The Bicolor Chromis (Chromis margaritifer) can be found in the Christmas Island and northwestern Australia regions, as well as in the French Polynesian and Line Islands. These fish feature a predominantly black body, with the caudal peduncle and caudal fin displaying a striking white color. They are known to be a peaceful species and can thrive in both reef and fish-only tanks. For optimal health, it is recommended to keep them in a minimum of a 30-gallon aquarium, while a larger tank of at least four feet in length is ideal for a group of these fish. They have a diverse diet that includes meaty foods like enriched frozen brine and small mysis shrimp, herbivore preparations, and marine flaked foods.
Purchase Size: approx 1-2″
* For online orders of marine livestock, please allow a slightly longer delivery time to account for handling during shipment and quarantine processes. This may range from 1-3 weeks, but it will ensure the health and well-being of your new addition.
* All Livestock is for Sale in Singapore only and and Not Available for overseas export.