Tectus fenestratus, the captivating Black Tectus Snail or Black Margarita Snail, is a marine snail with a conical body and an elongated dark brown or black shell. It often has subtle white patterns, and its legs and antennae are usually lighter in hue. This species typically reaches several to several dozen centimeters in length. In the wild they feed on algae and biofilms that grow on coral reefs and underwater rocks. In aquariums, they actively help keep the substrate clean and should be provided with adequate substrate, rocks, and coral reefs to feed and shelter. The water should be kept between 24-28°C (75-82°F) and 1.023-1.025 salinity with good filtration and regular changes. Herbivorous food sources such as nori algae, spirulina, or specially prepared snail food can supplement their natural diet. Cultivating them in marine aquariums is easy and rewarding!
Purchase Size: approx 1″
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